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Study nursing online – Why should I be a nurse?

Picture of Wissam ALHUSSEIN


Why should I be a nurse?

Kinds of the people are different and several, but the rare and distinguished of them are the nurses, they are the most kinds who can communication and dealing with people not just for contact them but with a lot of attention in details, they can respect, care, dealing. They are characterized by the ability of work under any pressure, having a solving of problems and loving to deal with people. There are a lot of advantages of nurses; if you have them thus it proves your ability to be a nurse.

Nurses work in any place relating to healthy caring like a hospital, medical office, school, community health center, or nursing home to do their best such as caring patients, help doctors with satisfying their requirement and doing a lot of other services such as physical exams, health education and counseling, administration of medication or wound care, and much more and cooperate with other healthcare professionals like doctors, technicians, and anesthesiologists.

Ways to be a nurse ?

Nursing is one of the most required professions in the world, due to an aging baby boomer population. The more the number of births, the more nurses they need.

Nowadays, salary of the nurses has reached $68,450 per year in a lot of hospitals and that salary is increasable.

Also, the more increasing in the number of demands for studying nursing, the more number of the programs which provide that online. There are a lot of Accredited Certification Programs which provide study of nursing from online nurse practitioner programs to RN to BSN online programs. That seems suitable for people who have no time to go to the university or have responsibilities and parental commitments as well as there are some Accredited Certificate Courses for nurses who want improving their levels.

Degrees of online nursing

With variety of a lot of Accredited College Degree Online Programs, every program provides all its advantages to attract students but the best and the most popular option is an RN to BSN online program.

Unfortunately, the known duration for getting nursing bachelor’s degree is four years, that for allowing to be a registered nurse and perform the practical practice. But there are some choices for giving you the opportunity to start the work in a less time.

For nurses, they can enrollment in an RN to BSN online degree, while working part-time. a master’s of science is one of the most advanced degrees which have best position and higher salary, as well as it provides you the choice of specialize your degree and experience and that for sure give you a good opportunity for work in any hospital or a private practice.

Statistics of the Institute of Medicine has proved that in 2020 80% of all nurses will have a bachelor.

So; if you a registered nurse having a part- time work, you can study what you want within two years only by online RN to BSN program which is a great option, this program is an effective and flexible with providing all what you need.

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